Attend the college of their choice
His passion to help others became the driving force behind this foundation
The annual award makes a big impact on real lives
What People Say
"Being the first recipient of the Richard Wiener Memorial Scholarship has been an honor. It has given me a sense of relief off my shoulders towards being able to pay for college...receiving the Scholarship has made me feel a sense of connection
the same way
Richard Wiener did."
Francisco Lopez
Scholarship Recipient 2023
I will never forget...
"It's a huge blessing to follow in his footsteps and continue the legacy being built."

Yuleni Navarro
Scholarship Recipient 2024
I had no way to pay for this...
"Having a scholarship in Rich Wiener's name is such an honor for us at Von Steuben because of all he dedicated to the school."

Jennifer Sutton
Von Steuben Principal
He made so many things happen!
For those that do not know, Richard was a legend at Von Steuben High School in Chicago, Illinois (Class of 1964). He attended the school, stood out as a hall of fame athlete, and after graduating, returned as a teacher, coach, athletic director and then substitute teacher. A deep passion for helping students at his alma mater led him to start the Von Steuben Alumni Association with just a $50 dollar bill in his pocket. Thirty years later, the alumni association he formed has awarded almost One Million Dollars in scholarships to Von Steuben graduates.
In reflecting on his time at Von Steuben, Richard once said, “I am thankful for having a job that I loved and influencing some of my students and making a difference in their life when they needed it most. I am thankful for founding the Von Steuben Alumni Association and helping students further their education.”
After Richard’s passing, his children started trying to raise money to create a college scholarship in his name. The support they received was overwhelming. This prompted them to consider how to best ensure their father’s legacy, helping students pursue their dreams of attending college, will endure for years to come.
From this, the RICHARD WIENER FOUNDATION was created; a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing college scholarships to deserving students at his beloved Von Steuben High School.
Please follow the Foundation’s page on Facebook and LinkedIn, share with your network and invite others to do the same.
Visiting the school each year and awarding the scholarship is an enormously rewarding experience for all who are involved in the process.
Richard Wiener - Through The Years

The Richard Wiener Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing college scholarships to deserving students.
Find us on social media
Chicago, IL

Richard Wiener's love and dedication to Von Steuben High School lasted for decades. These images capture a glimpse of his enthusiastic commitment as a student, athlete, teacher, coach, and athletic director.

